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Top Strategies to Boost Click-Through Rates

Top Strategies to Boost Click-Through Rates

CTR which stands for Click Through Rate is equal to the total clicks on an ad divided by the number of impression for the ad (CTR= Clicks ÷ Impressions). High CTR is always desired by everyone because it results in increased traffic and also helps in increasing the visibility for a new product.

How to Improve Clickthrough Rate (CTR) For Adwords Ads


In this article we are going to discuss as to how we can raise the CTR. There are multiple ways to increase CTR however, we are only going to focus on the ethical ways to improve it.

By Adding the Ad Extensions:

Ad Extensions are the type of ad format which show additional information about your product or business. The ad extensions can be automated or manual. The extra information that the ad extensions show improve the visibility of an an and besides that they give more value to the ad. When a user finds an ad informative, he/she tends to click on it. In the recent times, the experts often use the following ad extensions-

– App Extension
– Location Extension
– Reviews Extension
– Calls Extension
– Sitelinks Extension
– Callouts Extension

By Using Keyword in Display URL:

Display URL is considered to be the marketing copy of an ad therefore, it is always recommended to make use of the best keyword in the display URL. Your Display URL can be different from the actual URL and as per the rules we can have 35 characters in our display URL so it is upto us as to to how we can utilize that space. Besides using the keywords in the display URL we can also add the features and benefits of the product in it to make the viewers click on it.

By Adding the offers and Benefits in the Headline:

Features are what we tell and benefits are what sell. Therefore, It is also strongly recommended to have an offer or benefits to the customers in the ad headline so that it can attract the viewers and they end up clicking on it to know more about it.

By displaying the Savings not the Prices:

Nobody likes to spend money out of their pockets that is reason why the experts advice not to show prices or the cost of the product shown in the ad. Instead of disclosing the price in the ad we should rather display what the customers are going to save. For instance- Show that you are going to save $20 (Do not show that spend $100 for some XYZ product)

By Showing what you have for Free:

Everyone likes to have something for free. Therefore, we should ensure that if we have something for free to the customer, then it must be showing in the ad so that the viewers try to get into it.

Need help crafting high-performing AdWords campaigns that deliver exceptional CTRs? Look no further than Impressico Digital! Our expert team can manage your campaigns, create compelling ad copy, and optimize your targeting for maximum clicks and conversions. Visit us today for a free consultation and take your AdWords advertising to the next level! Get Started with PPC Services Today!

Atul Kumar

Atul Kumar is a Digital Marketing Manager at Impressico Digital with over a decade of experience, making him the go-to expert for SEO, PPC, Social Media, Email Marketing, and Content Marketing. With a deep understanding and expertise, Atul has helped numerous businesses improve their digital presence and strategies to maximize ROI.

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